Stone Canyon Creek Poetry Project
With sketchbooks in hand, we clambered down the creek’s banks for a closer look at the plants, water, bugs, rocks and whatever else we might find. Students found dragonflies hovering, a little water flowing and some evidence of humans, too. From our sketches we talked about how a poet might look at the creek as opposed to a scientist. We brainstormed some of the delicious language that poets use as well as how poets use rhythm through line breaks and punctuation. We read our poems out loud to each other for feedback and suggestions. Then we revised and edited our work with care and focus. When we were ready to illustrate our poems, we returned to the creek for some bits of nature that could be added to enhance our illustrations. Finally, we celebrated our work with each other. We listened attentively as our partner read aloud his/her creation and then we offered feedback about both what moved us in the poem and the highlights of the poet’s craft. We reveled in the beauty, passion, love and care we have for all of nature surrounding us.