Summer Science

For ages 6-8 years entering grades 1–3 in the Fall
Teacher: Anna Terrazas
Students will be able to:
  • Read, write, observe, investigate and discuss a variety of science topics
  • Conduct hands-on scientific experiments
  • Explore the natural world using our beautiful Lab School and greater UCLA campus
  • Develop a greater awareness of the science around them
  • Go on field trips to observe science in action
Children are naturally inquisitive and learn best through hands-on experiences. The study of science is simply a process of curiosity; then it makes sense that children are attracted to science concepts and activities. What better time to explore these concepts than in the summer when there are so many opportunities to see science in action? Our young scientists will explore our beautiful Redwood Forest to observe the life cycles of many living things. In this class, students will make all kinds of fun and messy concoctions such as Playdough, Oobleck, slime, and more. They will make their own bubble solution, wands, and solar systems. By participating in art, music, and cooking activities children will gain a basic understanding of the scientific principles behind these activities. We will take walking field trips to the UCLA botanical garden and planetarium. The class will conclude with an interactive sharing day where parents will be able to come in and participate in many of the science activities. If you love science, summer, and fun; this class is for you!

