
Our students are taught to look at their world through a musical lens and explore the connections between music and the other areas of learning, such as math, science, social studies and literacy. During music class, students explore music through singing, improvisation and rhythm, as well as musical notation and music history.
Our music program has two complementary components:

Basic music skills — by playing percussion instruments and singing, students develop an understanding of music theory, rhythmic and melodic notation and song structure.

Music inquiry — guided by provocative questions, students investigate the social, historical and cultural context of music and the role it has played in shaping the world in which we live.

Students also have opportunities to enrich their skills in musical performance:

Choir — The Voices of Action Choir was created by UCLA Lab School students after Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria in 2017. Overseen by our music specialist, the choir practices once a week after school through the Fall and Winter quarters. They culminate with an annual spring benefit concert on the UCLA campus.

Instrumental Music Program — Children 7 years and older can participate in our orchestra program directed by Children’s Music Workshop. The lessons are free to all UCLA Lab School families and take place in the mornings before school starts. Students can choose from violin, cello, flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. Parents provide the instrument for their child, and financial assistance is available for qualified families.